Another American Idol Shocker
Ok, yes I watch American Idol.. I'm sorry I can't help myself. Next I now hate American Idol. Constatine was voted off tonight and its total crap. But yet Scott is still in. WTF. Vonzell was in the BOTTOM 3. Total Bull.
I think if American Idol keeps letting people vote more then once, then it will always be A see who can call the most a Thon.
For the first time in the 2 years I have been watching. I tried to CALL. I could not get thru AT ALL. Busy, Busy, Busy.. Total bull.
Think as fans, we all should start to make a decision if we are going to waste time on this show any more.. It's not going to be fair in anyway if the rules stay the same...
On another note, I think Paula And Constatine are seeing each other. She was way to emotional when Constatine was voted off. Maybe that's what the CBS story is about??
Anyway until Next Week..
PS if Vonzell does not end up in at least the top 2, or gets voted off before Scott the Wife Beater.. Then this show is Crap. Thought last years results were Total Crap. And now this years are getting even worse.