Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Terry Sciavo

Terry Sciavo

Ok, this is just the most Disgusting thing I have seen this year yet. Ok number one this woman is not ON LIFE SUPPORT. She is on a feeding Tube. She can Breath on her own, she cam mumble, sit up. And does seem to be responsive after a few minutes If you ask her something. (she can't make words though)

So basically this Judge, says its ok for her Husband (NOT EX BY WAY) to have the Feeding tube taken out. This is just CRAP. Ok for those without a clue, she is not going to die in 5 mins. (they took it out Friday) She is going to suffer and STARVE TO DEATH. Totally Bullshit.

Now on Terry's so called husband. Remember for BETTER OR WORSE JACKASS. Number one, he shouldn't even be married to her anymore. He has a girlfriend and kids with his girlfriend for goodness sakes. So basically he cheated on her. Why is he still married to her? Who the hell knows but this guy is a total scum bag. Is it for money? Nobody knows! He has been offered A Million dollars to sign over his rights to her, and give them back to her parents. A Popular Talk Radio Show Glenn Beck has actually raised about 4 Million Dollars to give to Mr Sciavo to give up his rights too her. He has declined so is it money or not?

Her parents have asked him to sign over the rights. They will take care of her. Still NOPE.

The problem is Mr Sciavo says that She would not want to live this way. But she has no Living Will to testify to this. What is he hiding? Is it deep love? Or is he just a scum bag like I think he is. Whatever the reason, there is no reason in this world, that a woman should be starved to death. NONE AT ALL.


At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

perhaps no one will trust the loved one or stranger you whisper your last wish to, then you to can suffer a fate you did not want, at the hands of those who live in fear, what a wonderful world that is. enjoy it while it last. The Bitchun Society is on the rise as everything else will die.

At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First as I have been led to believe by looking through this material the idea that she is responsive in ANYWAY is a myth. If she is responsive then all these Doctors would not okay this at all and it would be a mute point. Flordia did assign an neutral Doctor and he hsaid she was un responsive as well. Here brain wave tests come back as a flat line.

As for the girl friend of her husband, check you facts because if I recall their relationship did not not until some time after his wife was put into this state. I am not sure about pothers but I think he just went looking for some comfort in a difficult time and since his wife was never returning he did not CHEAT on her in any traditional sense of the word.

The sad truth is I think the parents and the media are the real scumbags here. They are profitting off of this poor woman, radio and TV shows from her hospis. The parents will have a book and movie deal within 90 days of her death I PROMISE!

We suddenly have a ton of people coming out of the word work to scream she is really okay. Well if she was back then why did they not scream back then?

EVEN if we put all all the evidence aside, we should still let her die. lets say she has some brain function and is aware. (She does not buts lets play the what if game) She is trapped in a prison worse than ANYTHING we can do to a criminal. Her ONLY way out of that prison is death. Why should we inprison her?

When you step back from this, turn off the emotions and look at the PURE facts, only those from nuetral sources, the information is clear. But it sounds like you are on the parents bandwagon. When you go to see the movie or read the book remember the money you paid was to keep this poor woman suffering so they could make a buck!

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, what a waste of web space and people's time!

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Malkuth said...

I not going to get into an argument with you people over this. I think whats going on is wrong. If you wanna learn more about this case, and Terri go to http://www.terrisfight.net/ and judge for yourself.

And for your Info, Terri's Husband has had more then One Girlfriend during this 15 year ordeal. I think you need to check your facts first. OK?

At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The courts have jurisdiction in this case, and I don't envy their dilema.

I can't help Terry, but I can save another life today, by just writing a check to the one of the many famine relief agencies. Over 25,000 people will starve to death today, and tomorrow, and the next day. Hopefully one less, because of me.

So, today I will write that check, and update my living will. And mourn those I can't help.

At 3:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would bet that the media is making assumptions about her condition, or just being dishonest about it (ratings = $$$).

I also don't find it unreasonable for a guy to have had multiple relationships within a 15 year time span. People are social creatures. The emotional strain experienced is probably more than you could possibly imagine.

Furthermore, you criticize the man because he HASN'T sold out? He didn't go for the $4 million. I find it sad that since he hasn't sold out, the masses immediately assume it's because there's something more scandalous behind the scenes.

So there's no living will that states what he claims.....however I suppose the fact that she told her husband something could simply NOT be possible :rolleyes:

Maybe he didn't give the rights to her parents because he ACTUALLY KNOWS her parents. Maybe they hear stories of a 4 million dollar payoff and would love to get a hold of that coin.

Whatever the situation, kudos to the husband for not buckling under the pressure.

The possibility of there being so much misinformation about this case should have limited you from passing judgement...but hey, I guess you have the right to do that if you so desire.


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